The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
The Arnold Group (TAG) - Job Seeker Blog
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It’s nearly impossible to not have an online presence these days. In fact, it’s now more uncommon not to be online, so it should come as no surprise that 3 out of 4 recruiters and hiring managers will check out potential candidate’s social media profiles before making a hiring decision.
When it comes time to resign, many underestimate how important it is to leave a company the right way… According to research, there are seven ways employees resign. While all 7 will probably work for the purposes of quitting your job, we don’t recommend using a few of them.
Before you submit any of your friends to be considered by HR however, consider these 5 things… after all, it’s your professional reputation on the line.
While showing up to work on time every day is typically required of an employee, it is just one of the many things a true hard worker does. In order to not only keep your job but to earn the opportunity for advancement, you must adopt the traits all hard-working employees have.
The fact is, everyone wants unicorn employees at their company. Even if you haven’t quite achieved that true unicorn shine yet, keep working to grow your strengths and keep these qualities in mind – you’ll prove to be a rare and valuable find in no time.
Some of these skills may come to you more naturally than others, but keeping in mind the top soft skills employers and managers consider when making employment decisions will help keep you on track for both personal development and professional success.
The job market is extremely competitive, and there’s no guarantee you’ll hear back on the applications you’ve submitted. When this happens, it may feel like nothing works in your favor. Improve your job-hunting skills and boost your chances at landing an interview with these tips:
If you’re still on the quest to find your dream job, don’t despair… it is possible. The key is being realistic about what the ideal career looks like, and the potential struggles and hard work involved.
In today’s digital world, communicating effectively regardless of the medium is critical to all stages of your career – from your job search to being on-the-job.
Starting a new role is an exciting time, but can often be frightening with so many changes. Consider these tips to ensure not only a smooth transition, but also your success.
Every workplace is different, with a unique set of common practices and norms, and it’s up to you to appropriately navigate your workplace culture and determine what’s acceptable and expected.
The recruiters and hiring managers reading your cover letter and resume have dozens to go through, so better your chances of standing out by avoiding these common phrases
The privilege of leadership is getting to believe in people before they believe in themselves. As a leader, it’s not only your job to help your team meet goals and achieve success, but also to help the individuals on your team be the best they can be.
It’s the first day of your new leadership role and just a few hours in, an employee who is 10 or 20 years your senior stops you and asks point blank, “Just how old are you?” As someone in a leadership position in their twenties, you probably anticipated getting that question at some point, but it still stops you in your tracks.
Job searching is by no means an easy task, however it’s important to avoid the most common pitfalls during your job search to increase your chances of landing the role you desire.
Although writing a thank you note takes up more time and adds an extra step to the interview process, it might be the deciding factor between the job going to you or someone else.
Recruiters look at their relationships with job seekers as partnerships, not one-sided transactions, and so we wanted to offer some of the key things recruiters wish job seekers realized to make the most out of working together.
Miscommunication can be blamed for a significant amount of workplace conflict, and it would be unrealistic to think it could be entirely prevented. However, with a better understanding of some of the causes and possible solutions, the chances of a miscommunication decrease.
When it comes to change, it’s the only thing you can truly expect to remain constant – especially in the post-pandemic world. Any business or employee who lacks flexibility and adaptability, puts themselves at severe risk for falling behind and becoming obsolete.
Our advice? No matter the situation, you should never burn those bridges
It’s never too early to start planning for the future, especially when it comes to your career. Whether you’re just getting started, thinking about a change, or trying to ensure you stay up-to-date in your current industry, it’s important to understand the priorities and trends of the future. As far off as it may seem, it’s no longer unrealistic to start thinking about 2025.
Gone are the days where everyone wears a suit and tie into the office every day.
You don’t have to be best friends with your boss in order to have a great working relationship. And if you feel like you have a toxic working relationship, there are things you can do to try and improve it. This is one of the easiest ways to work on improving things.
Many think asking for feedback is a sign of inexperience or lack of knowledge, but that just isn't true. Here's why.
In a world where tech connects everyone, it should be easy to get ahold of anyone.
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